MARST-compatible Algol-60 example

Expectedly, the MARST translator, when fed with the Algol text below, complains about non-declared identifiers. Capitalized identifiers like PRINTTEXT, NLCR, REMAINDER were defined in the X8 system environment; 'tammat', 'matmat', 'tamvec', 'count', 'qrivalsymtri' etc, were defined in a subroutine library which had to be loaded separately (also from papertape, probably as pre-compiled code).

begin   comment testprogramma voor qrivalsym2, 080268, R1089, W. Hoffmann;
   integer i, n; 
   real eps; 
   array em[0:5]; 
   comment    mca 2011;

   procedure elmveccol(l, u, i, a, b, x); value l, u, i, x; 
   integer l, u, i; real x; array a, b; 
   for l:= l step 1 until u do a[l]:= a[l] + b[l,i] * x; 

   comment    mca 2012;

   procedure elmcolvec(l, u, i, a, b, x); value l, u, i, x; 
   integer l, u, i; real x; array a, b; 
   for l:= l step 1 until u do a[l,i]:= a[l,i] + b[l] * x; 

   comment    mca 2013;

   procedure elmcol(l, u, i, j, a, b, x); value l, u, i, j, x; 
   integer l, u, i, j; real x; array a, b; 
   for l:= l step 1 until u do a[l,i]:= a[l,i] + b[l,j] * x; 

   comment    mca 2300;

   procedure tfmsymtri2(a, n, d, b, bb, em); value n; integer n; 
   array a, b, bb, d, em; 
   begin integer i, j, r, r1; 
       real w, x, a1, b0, bb0, d0, machtol, norm; 
       norm:= 0; 
       for j:= 1 step 1 until n do 
       begin w:= 0; 
      for i:= 1 step 1 until j do w:= abs(a[i,j]) + w; 
      for i:= j + 1 step 1 until n do w:= abs(a[j,i]) + w; 
      if w > norm then norm:= w
       machtol:= em[0] * norm; em[1]:= norm; r:= n; 
       for r1:= n - 1 step - 1 until 1 do 
       begin d[r]:= a[r,r]; x:= tammat(1, r - 2, r, r, a, a); 
      a1:= a[r1,r]; if sqrt(x) <= machtol then 
      begin b0:= b[r1]:= a1; bb[r1]:= b0 * b0; a[r,r]:= 1 end
      begin bb0:= bb[r1]:= a1 * a1 + x; 
          b0:= if a1 > 0 then - sqrt(bb0) else sqrt(bb0); 
          a1:= a[r1,r]:= a1 - b0; w:= a[r,r]:= 1 / (a1 * b0); 
          for j:= 1 step 1 until r1 do b[j]:= (tammat(1, j, j, r, 
          a, a) + matmat(j + 1, r1, j, r, a, a)) * w; 
          elmveccol(1, r1, r, b, a, tamvec(1, r1, r, a, b) * w * 
          for j:= 1 step 1 until r1 do 
          begin elmcol(1, j, j, r, a, a, b[j]); 
         elmcolvec(1, j, j, a, b, a[j,r])
          b[r1]:= b0
      r:= r1
       d[1]:= a[1,1]; a[1,1]:= 1; b[n]:= bb[n]:= 0
   end tfmsymtri2;

   comment    mca 2320;

   integer procedure qrivalsymtri(d, bb, n, em); value n; integer n; 
   array d, bb, em; 
   begin integer count, max, n1, k, k1; 
       real tol, tol2, macheps2, bbmax, t, r, w, c, s, shift, u, g, t2, 
       w2, p2, dk, cos2, sin2, oldcos2; 
       tol:= em[2] * em[1]; tol2:= tol * tol; macheps2:= em[0] ** 2; 
       count:= 0; bbmax:= 0; max:= em[4]; 
   in: k:= n; n1:= n - 1; 
   next: k:= k - 1; if k > 0 then 
       begin if bb[k] >= tol2 then goto next; 
      if bb[k] > bbmax then bbmax:= bb[k]
       if k = n1 then n:= n1 else 
       twoby2: t:= d[n] - d[n1]; r:= bb[n1]; if k < n - 2 then 
      begin w:= bb[n - 2]; c:= t * t; s:= r / (c + w); 
          g:= (w + s * c) * s; if g < tol2 then 
          begin n:= n - 1; n1:= n - 1; if g > bbmax then bbmax:= g; 
         goto twoby2
      end negligible bb;
      if abs(t) < tol then s:= sqrt(r) else 
      begin w:= 2 / t; s:= w * r / (sqrt(w * w * r + 1) + 1) end;
      if k = n - 2 then 
      begin d[n]:= d[n] + s; d[n1]:= d[n1] - s; n:= n - 2 end
      begin count:= count + 1; if count > max then goto end; 
          shift:= d[n] + s; if abs(t) < tol then 
          begin w:= d[n1] - s; 
         if abs(w) < abs(shift) then shift:= w
          k:= k + 1; g:= d[k] - shift; t2:= g * g; w2:= bb[k]; 
          p2:= t2 + w2; oldcos2:= 1; 
          for k:= k + 1 step 1 until n do 
          begin k1:= k - 1; sin2:= w2 / p2; cos2:= t2 / p2; 
         dk:= d[k] - shift; u:= (g + dk) * sin2; 
         d[k1]:= g + u + shift; g:= dk - u; 
         t2:= if cos2 < macheps2 then w2 * oldcos2 else g * g 
         / cos2; w2:= bb[k]; p2:= w2 + t2; bb[k1]:= sin2 * p2; 
         oldcos2:= cos2
          d[n]:= g + shift
      end sweep 
       if n > 0 then goto in; 
   end: em[3]:= sqrt(bbmax); em[5]:= count; qrivalsymtri:= n
   end qrivalsymtri;

   comment    mca2322;

   integer procedure qrivalsym2(a, n, val, em); value n; integer n; 
   array a, val, em; 
   begin array b, bb[1:n]; 
       tfmsymtri2(a, n, val, b, bb, em); 
       qrivalsym2:= qrivalsymtri(val, bb, n, em)
   end qrivalsym2;

   comment Van een matrix a worden de elementen aldus bepaald: a[i, 
   j]:= SUM(k, 1, n, ar(i, k, n) * labda[k] * ar(k, j, n))/n. De 
   eigenwaarden van a zijn de elementen van een willekeurig te vullen 
   array labda[1 : n] en de elementen van de matrix van 
   eigenvectoren X zijn aldus bepaald: X[i, j] = ar(i, j, n)/sqrt(n). 
   n mag alleen een macht van 2 zijn, bij voorkeur een macht van 4;

   integer procedure ar(i, j, n); value i, j, n; integer i, j, n; 
   comment ar(i, j, n) krijgt het teken van eigenvectorelement X[i, j];
   begin integer sig; 
       sig:= 1; goto in; 
   dev: if i > n & j > n then sig:= - sig; if n = 1 then goto end; 
       i:= REMAINDER(i, n); j:= REMAINDER(j, n); if i = 0 then i:= n; 
       if j = 0 then j:= n; 
   in: n:= n / 2; goto dev; 
   end: ar:= sig
   end ar;

   comment Procedure om een symmetrische matrix te genereren met 
   eigenwaarde mu[1] t/m mu[n], de procedure gebruikt integer 
   procedure ar(i, j, n);

   procedure symtestmx(a, mu, n); value n; array a, mu; integer n; 
   begin integer i, j, k; 
       real s; 

       integer procedure col(i, j, n); value i, j, n; integer i, j, n; 
       begin integer k; 
      k:= j; 
       down: n:= n / 2; if i > n then 
      begin i:= i - n; j:= if k > n then j - n else j + n end;
      if k > n then k:= k - n; if i > 1 then goto down; col:= j
       end col;

       for j:= 1 step 1 until n do 
       begin s:= 0; 
      for k:= 1 step 1 until n do s:= ar(1, k, n) * ar(k, j, n) * 
      mu[k] / n + s; a[1,j]:= s; a[j,j]:= a[1,1]
       for j:= 3 step 1 until n do 
       for i:= j - 1 step - 1 until 2 do a[i,j]:= a[1,col(i,j,n)]
   end symtestmx;

   procedure primat(A, labda, n, numval, p, s); value n, numval; 
   integer n, numval, p; array A, labda; string s; 
   begin integer i, j, a, b; 
       NLCR; PRINTTEXT(s); a:= 1; b:= (if numval > 6 then 6 else numval); 
   AA: NLCR; NLCR; NLCR; if p = 1 then 
       begin for j:= a step 1 until b do print(labda[j]); NLCR end;
       for i:= 1 step 1 until n do 
       begin NLCR; 
      for j:= a step 1 until b do print(A[i,j])
       if b != numval then 
       begin a:= b + 1; b:= (if (b + 6) > numval then numval else b + 6); 
      goto AA
   end primat;

   "     mach. precisie     qr precisie              max. iter"); NLCR; 
   for i:= 0, 2, 4 do 
   begin eps:= em[i]:= read; PRINT(eps) end;
   n:= read; 
next:   begin integer l, j; 
       real t, sqinvn; 
       array ar, vec[1:n,1:n], val[1:n]; 
       NLCR; PRINTTEXT("order"); ABSFIXT(2, 0, n); NLCR; 
       for i:= 1 step 1 until n do val[i]:= read; symtestmx(vec, val, n); 
       for j:= 1 step 1 until n do 
       for i:= j step 1 until n do ar[i,j]:= ar[j,i]:= vec[j,i]; 
       sqinvn:= 1 / sqrt(n); primat(ar, val, n, n, 0, "input"); NLCR; 
       NLCR; PRINTTEXT("time"); t:= time; 
       l:= qrivalsym2(vec, n, val, em); ABSFIXT(3, 2, time - t); NLCR; 
       NLCR; PRINTTEXT("number of calculated eigenvalues ="); 
       ABSFIXT(2, 0, n - l); NLCR; NLCR; PRINTTEXT("eigenvalues are"); 
       for i:= 1 step 1 until n do 
       begin PRINT(val[i]); NLCR end;
"          norm     max negl. codiag. element   number of qr steps"
       ); NLCR; 
       for i:= 1, 3, 5 do PRINT(em[i]); NLCR; n:= read; if n != 0 then 
       begin NEWPAGE; goto next end