Access System 60 card-based information system

UvA Computer Museum catalogue nr 04.53

access 60
The System-60 information-handling system (made in 1977 by Access, Cincinnati) uses a coding method based on removing one or more of the 45 teeth at the lower edge of a paper card. The card's surface - its area roughly the same as a Hollerith card - remains available for written data, microfiches etc. Both coding and selecting (from a stack of cards) is done by operating a small console, detached from the selecting device proper.
The System-60 was designed primarily for pharmacists' and physicians' patient databases.
The picture (taken from the user's manual) shows an installation with three selectors, each holding about 2000 cards, controlled by a single console. We have only one selector, whose weight is about 40 kilograms!

This system was donated by Mr. H.P. Rab, physician and pharmacist in the small Dutch town of Vroomshoop.
